Reconnect your mind and body

At Yoganand we believe that the practise of yoga postures and breath work can help people reconnect their mind and body. We welcome all levels to our classes and remember it is not about being ‘perfect’ or ‘flexible' but an opportunity to let go, move your body and have fun!

Tuning in to your body and breath is important to us so choose the class you feel is most beneficial to your personal wellbeing and allow your body to guide you through. Our variety of classes allow students to step out of their busy lives and come into this relaxed environment to challenge and explore their physical and emotional selves.

The word ‘yoga’ literally means to yolk or unite so as well as unifying mind, body and spirit we also aim to cultivate this community where we can connect with one another - something we believe is lost in our modern society!   'Anand' means happiness in Sanskrit, so at Yoganand we firmly believe in using yoga to create and develop a state of bliss whilst nourishing your body and mind. Check out our yoga classes and get in touch if you have any questions!

About Jade

Yoga Teacher and Founder of Yoganand

‘Jade’s mission is to encourage, inspire and connect with all’

Over the years, Jade’s passion for yoga has become more than just a physical exercise but a way of life. Her aim is to share this passion with those around her in a light hearted way and giving people the confidence to trust in themselves in the process. She believes in giving students the time and space to explore their own bodies as well as giving their minds a break in this hectic fast paced world we live in.  

Jade started practising yoga in 2008 to support her contemporary dance training at Northern School of Contemporary Dance.  After graduating, the dance world of standing in front of a mirror and being pushed so physically and mentally was not for her. This is when she turned to yoga where she could just be herself and not be judged. She thought she had to gain confidence in order to be happy but yoga allowed her to realise that this happiness comes from within and the ability to love and accept herself with all her stories.