Jade Anand


Jude Whitburn


Esmae Lear


Helena Murphy


Varsana Hart

Lydia Cowcher

Alice Billerey

Tayler Hayes

Chrissie Homer

Katie Oriel

Jade Anand

Hi everyone! I am the founder of Yoganand which you may have guessed by my surname! In Sanskrit ‘Anand’ means ‘happiness’ and ‘joy’ and that is something that I want people to have when they come to the studio. I love when people have fun with their practice, feel confident to try out new poses with the group and support others around them!

I graduated as a dancer from Northern School of Contemporary Dance in 2011 and although it was an incredible experience, it also created a huge lack of belief in myself and confidence in anything I could achieve as the ‘I’m not good enough’ kept coming back! I knew I wanted to move my body in a more positive and kinder way and break down some of the barriers that were holding me back from being a more confident (happier) person so I went off to do my Yoga Teacher Training at Hot Power Yoga.

When moving to Bristol in 2018, I worked at lots of different studios and gyms until lockdown hit and I was forced out on my own! This is when I realised that community was so important to me and getting lovely people together to practice first but then sit, chat, have coffee, drinks, brunch was the dream mix!

The Yoganand Studio at Juice Jar was a very organic yet surprising opportunity. As we know from lockdown, we need to stay adaptable and jump at opportunities that come our way. Who knows where life is going to take us! I am so happy that Yoganand & Juice Jar can go on this journey together as it stays aligned with this community and relaxed feel that I am passionate about!

Jude Whitburn

A a professionally trained dancer and circus performer, Jude turned to Yoga as a means of preventing injury and finding a calmer, less chaotic headspace. She has been teaching Yoga for the last 7+ years, alongside performing and teaching Ballet.

'Her classes are strong yet playful and she believes in creating a compassionate, non judgmental space where people feel comfortable to let go and try new things.

Esmae Lear

Esmae turned to Pilates after struggling with multiple injuries whilst working as a professional dancer. Not only did Esmae find these classes helped with maintaining strength, flexibility and injury prevention of her body, but also her mind.

Esmae is passionate about spreading her love of Pilates and believes that movement should be an opportunity to celebrate our bodies, not punish them. Expect dynamic and creative classes, which flow seamlessly to leave you feeling strong, positive and hopefully walking out of the door a little taller.

Helena Murphy

Helena started practicing yoga when she first moved to London in 2014 as a way to find calm amidst the grind of city life and quickly fell in love with how the practice made her feel. 

While her vinyasa classes are dynamic and fluid – inspired by the circular, rhythmic movements of the mandala practice – they are always accessible. Drawing on her training in anatomy and with the recognition that all bodies are wonderfully different, Helena brings a focus to how the movements feel, rather than creating ‘perfect’ shapes. 

Students are encouraged to explore and have fun, with a strong emphasis on developing intuition and feeling empowered.

Varsana Hart

Varana's first introduction to yoga came through being immersed in the Bhakti tradition growing up. Her training includes various disciplines, including Hatha, vinyasa, restorative, yin, pilates, mantra, and embodied somatic practices. Regardless of style, classes look to create space for you to explore and reconnect to your body along with the more introspective, subtle elements of the practice in a non-judgmental environment that allows you to feel supported and show up exactly as you is always at the heart of classes.

Lydia Cowcher

Lydia first discovered Pilates and Barre during her training as a contemporary dancer. Pilates classes were taught frequently and became an essential practice to enhance body awareness, improve alignment, strength and flexibility.

Lydia completed her training as a level 3 Pilates teacher and since then has completed her pre/post-natal Pilates and Pilates for orthopaedic conditions. She is passionate about rehabilitation and improving her clients' overall health and wellbeing. Postural improvement, core strength and mobility are focused heavily in her classes where she aims to create an inclusive and engaging space for all.

Alice Billerey

Alice has been practicing yoga since 2011 and is an accredited yoga teacher and yoga therapist, having completed over 900 hours of training. Alice discovered yoga in her early 20s and was immediately attracted to the physicality of asana, which allowed her to cultivate a sense of appreciation and acceptance of her body. She soon discovered the joys of yoga beyond asana and recognises how instrumental yoga has been in her management of persistent pain and anxiety.

Yoga has enabled Alice to develop a more loving and compassionate relationship with herself, which in turn has made her more available to support those around her. Alice believes yoga is for everybody. She encourages her students to work mindfully on the mat, guiding participants towards listening deeply to physical and sensory feedback, as well as empowering her students to take agency over their own body and practice.

Tayler Hayes

Taylers style of teaching is intuitive, nourishing, fluid, breath-led and playful. Her carefully curated classes have love poured into them and play with the body’s ability to dance between stability and fluidity. For Tayler, movement feels like freedom, and it is finding freedom and ease in how we move that inspires her teaching. She is an experienced teacher of yoga & pilates, committed to guiding meaningful practices that truly meet you where you are, without judgment. She has a daily yoga practice, which sits at the heart of her life, and has over 800hr YTT (plus pilates). What she loves most about this work is guiding you through an experience whilst witnessing you create your own.

Chrissie Homer

Chrissie originally trained as a professional dancer at The Hammond School of Dance, and soon after developed a love for teaching dance and exercise to adults and children. She trained as an exercise instructor in Barre, dance fitness and HIIT and loved the high energy she could bring to those classes, but found later she wanted to explore the softer and slower side of things. She discovered yoga and hasn't looked back since. Her style of teaching is explorative and somatic whilst rooted in traditional vinyasa, and her primary focus is always to connect people to their breath. 

Since doing her 200 hours at The Power Yoga Co. in London, Chrissie has trained in Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Pre and Postnatal Yoga. Her passion for supporting pregnant woman has only increased since she had her own baby, when she discovered the true power of pregnancy yoga to empower women in their journey towards motherhood.

Katie Oriel

Katie is a Yoga Teacher and Mentor who believes in the healing ability of a consistent and varied Yoga practise. She is fiercely committed to honouring the ancient wisdom of the discipline and imbues all of her offerings with the tools needed for gentle introspection that honour these teachings, while guiding you through a balanced, intelligent and nourishing sequence. Katie creates an environment that is warm, nurturing and conscientious, knowing that this will create space for her students to feel strong, invite vulnerability and cultivate a higher sense of self-awareness and acceptance, whatever the style of practise.